Monday, September 1, 2008

Officially it's Spring!

Although, as I have been saying, really it has been spring now for weeks. It doesn't stop that wonderful feeling of promise though. It's as if the plants can read and have watched through the window as we ceremoniously turned the page over on the calender this morning. There is a new electricity in the air that just wasn't there yesterday. I went shopping on Friday in anticipation of this feeling. This year I plan to limit the variety that I grow, but what I do grow - I will grow in bulk. Therefore I can now justify the four packets of corn seed I bought, as well as a packet each of zucchini and watermelon.

So with the new season, the peach blossom has dropped, in perfect time to plant out the mother load of seed. I'm not so sure it really is the right time to be planting corn, because even though the blossom has dropped - it is only on selected trees. It looks like all the trees that we planted last year, and have shallow root systems have welcomed in the season early. The older (and possibly wiser) trees are only just coming into bloom over the last few days. It will be weeks yet before they drop their blossom. To compensate for this, I have decided to buy another four packets of corn seed and plant that lot when my older peach trees do drop.

{cough} corn glut...

Well, here's hoping anyway...

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