Thursday, July 3, 2008

29th June

There must be some type of astrological freak event occuring. Today I went crazy in the garden, so did the hubby and after chatting to a girlfriend, neither she, nor her husband could resist the call either.

There was sooooo much weeding. My fingers are numb and feel like rasps. When i pick up my knitting, the wool sticks to my battered fingers.

The carrots that were scattered in the chook poo patch germinated - and were promptly eaten by snails and slugs - so more went in today. I then covered the lot with Lucerne.

The Daisy bush was hacked back - now the Bay Tree has a chance to grow, or see sunlight at the very least... The cuttings went in along the chook fence and our border fence. It's winter and my absolute distain for exposed and bare fences is truly starting to rear its ugly head yet again.

I had a marvellous idea to use up the bits of cut poly pipe too. I used them as garden borders and transplanted all the rogue seedlings that had popped up in the old chicken coop now that hte hens had been moved. It looks neat - and cost us nothing. I carefully tucked in some lucerne around all the seedlings. Two of these new beds got sprinkled with a couple of buckets of chicken grain - here's hoping some of it sprouts and i get some chook feed for free! I also planted another of these new poly beds with the Asparagus seedlings - Yummo!

Then, just when I thought I had finished for the day - my MIL arrived with a punnet of Celery seedlings. They were dry and needed to be planted immediately.

Phew! What a crazy day!

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